A double-insulated cafetiere that makes rich, grit-free French press coffee. —DETAILS— The Espro P7 Cafetiere is French pressing elegance with a modern design. Its patented double micro-mesh filter provides smoother coffee with none of the grit in only 4 minutes. There’s a strong silicone seal around the double filter which prevents over-extraction (AKA excess bitterness) as the finished coffee sits. Double-insulated stainless steel walls keep coffee at peak drinking temperature for longer than their glass counterparts (at least 15 minutes) and allow it to maintain a more stable temperature during its 4-minute brew. Since the plunger is not designed to reach the very bottom, the Espro is best for making a minimum of 500ml (2 cups) of coffee at a time. —BENEFITS— ‘French press coffee has a reputation for being over-extracted and bitter, but not in the Espro, which is designed to troubleshoot the problems of classic glass versions.’
Espro P7 Cafetiere / Matte Black